Service Description

The Compliance Department adviser our clients on regulatory compliance and best practices. The Team focuses on the design and implementation of crime prevention systems that fit the specialty and industry of each company, in accordance with Law No. 20.393, developing internal policies through amultidisciplinary team, whose integrated cooperation allows us to provide a high-quality service. Among other matters, our firm supports its clients in the development and implementation  of codes of conduct, programs, contractual clauses, internal investigations and training. The area also has high technical expertise to address the new regulations on economic and environmental crimes. 

Our services include:

  • Crime Prevention System.
  • Internal policies and best practices.
  • Corporate governance.
  • Regulatory and environmental compliance.
  • Corporate compliance and corruption crimes.
  • Labor compliance.

Our Attorneys

Jorge Ossandón Rosales

Compliance and Integrity

Rodrigo Rivera Cuevas

Compliance and Integrity